Web Agency Geneva

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WordPress website creation – 2050 Today

For many years, scientists around the world have been sounding the alarm about the dangers of global warming for the future of our planet. To keep it below 1.5°, we must avoid exhausting our carbon budget at all costs. It’s time to act!

2050Today, an initiative of the Climat Work Foundation, has entrusted Digital-Turn with the creation of a website that reflects its image.
We were asked to create a portal dedicated to information on global warming, used mainly by organizations involved in this movement.

The design is tailor-made to best meet our customer’s needs, and was created via WordPress by our Geneva-based agency.

The information posted on this portal needs to be updated regularly, which is why we have trained the customer team to use the back-office so that they can react quickly.

This training also enables the 2050Today team to fully manage the site’s various pages.

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