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The Perrot Duval company called on our web and webdesign agency for graphic charter and visual identity issues.
When it comes to building a strong digital image, the graphic charter is one of the most important elements to take into account. This is where the expertise of a graphic designer comes in.
The graphic charter is the set of visual elements that identify a company or brand on digital media. It includes elements such as logo, colors, typography, shapes, icons and images. It’s essential for creating a strong, consistent visual identity that will stand out from the competition and attract the attention of potential customers.
An art director can help create an effective and memorable graphic charter. He can suggest original designs, appropriate color choices and suitable typography. It can also help define a coherent strategy using a variety of visual styles to reinforce brand identity.
A graphic designer can also take into account thespecificities of the digital image to design a graphic charter adapted to this platform. For example, it can integrate motion elements for social networks, or designs that adapt to different screen sizes for websites.
Ultimately, a professional graphic charter drawn up by a graphic designer can help a company boost its credibility and recognition online. It can similarly help build a lasting relationship with customers, helping them to remember the company or brand in a positive way.
In short, a graphic designer is a key element in the development of a successful and effective graphic charter to build your digital image. It can help create a consistent, memorable visual identity to grab customers’ attention and stand out from the competition.